Avoid alcohol and caffeine 1 day before procedure to minimize any oozing, bleeding or swelling.
Do not take aspirin, ibuprofen, niacin, fish oil or vitamin E 3 days prior to procedure unless medically necessary.
Retinol/Retin-A must be discontinued 7 days prior to procedure. (It will cause the skin to bleed).
Injections (Botox, Radiesse, JuvaDerm, Voluma, etc.) must be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks
after procedure.
Chemical peels and laser treatments may not be done within 60 days before or after procedure.
The use of Latisse® must be discontinued at least 3 months prior to your eyeliner procedure (it
creates an inflammatory response, causes excess bleeding and prohibits the eyeliner from
healing well).
Sunburned or Suntanned skin is damaged skin and therefore will cause excessive bleeding.
I will not be able to work on sunburned or suntanned skin.
You cannot expose the area to the sun for 30 days before or after procedure.
Pre-Procedure Instructions
Avoid tweezing, waxing, electrolysis, and coloring your brows for two weeks prior to the procedure. This will allow me to be the most flexibility to achieve optimal results.
If you wear makeup, please do wear your everyday makeup to your appointment to determine your personal style and look.
Some or all makeup will be removed to clean and prep the area for the procedure.
Do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following your eyeliner procedure. Remember to bring your glasses. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes return to their pre-treated condition.
The use of Latisse® must be discontinued at least 3 months prior to your eyeliner procedure. Latisse® produces an inflammatory reaction in the skin, which causes excessive pain and bleeding. If you use Latisse®, your eyeliner will not take properly.
Do not use other growth stimulants such as RapidLash®, or RevitaLash® for at least one week prior to or one week after your eyeliner procedure.
If you have a history of any cold sores/ herpes virus, you must obtain an anti-viral medication script from your physician such as Valtrex, Zovirax, or Famvir. The lip procedure causes trauma to the area and will 100% trigger an outbreak. Therefore a script will need to be obtained before having the lip procedure to prevent the outbreak from happening. Some people may have the herpes simplex virus but may not know or may have only had one cold sore in their life. If you are not sure, it is important to get the script prophylactically. If you would like the added insurance, please take the amino acid supplement L-lysine 1000mcg- double dose: 2 pills - twice a day for 7 - 10 days before the procedure. This will help enhance the immune system.
Begin your Anti-Viral medication 2 days prior or if taking L-lysine supplement, begin 7-10 days prior to the procedure.
3 days before the lip procedure begin exfoliating the lips morning and night with a homemade coconut oil and sugar scrub.
For best results, please take Arnica Montana for 3 days before and 3 days after lip procedure to aid in reduced swelling and bruising. Arnica Montana pellets can be found at any health food store (Wegmans, Amazon, or IY Foods).
Micropigmentation on the lips is a process. Two or three sessions may be required to achieve the desired results. It is not uncommon to lose up to 70% of the color after the first session.
Please be aware that having a procedure done while on your menstrual cycle can make you hyper-sensitive at the procedure site.
You will be given detailed after-care instructions at the time of your procedure.
Looking forward to see you soon!
p r e- p r o c e d u r e
i n s t r u c t i o n s
p o s t c a r e
After your procedure please consider the following to ensure optimal healing and retention of the tattooed area.
Stay out of steam rooms, saunas, hot yoga, swimming pool, etc. for one week following procedure.
No exfoliation, makeup, or any other products to the treatment area during healing phase.
Avoid direct sun during healing phase.
No sweating for 1 week post procedure (sweat will prevent pigment from healing properly in the skin).
Follow After Care print out and if you have any questions please email me at info@luxebrowstudio.com or text/call me at 434-566-9407.